Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Portrait Transformation Reflection

Portrait Transformation Project Reflection:

Nancy Wang

3 original photos: 

Title: Isabel Potter



     The concept of this Portrait Transformation Project is having a friendship with Harry Potter. Since Isabel likes challenging books, and Harry Potter was one of my challenging books back then, so it was a perfect combination. Not only that, I always dream of being next to him, so Isabel is somewhat fulfilling my dream.


     There are many steps taken in order to complete this project. My first steps were to think of a concept. After thinking about it for a couple of days, I need to search for a background picture. Since my concept is about Harry Potter, I have to search for pictures about him and pick the right one. 
     The next step is finding and taking pictures of a model. I had trouble finding one, since no one wants to have their picture taken. But in the end, I manage to find one. Then I need to think of what poses my model needs to do so I know where to put her in the Harry Potter picture. Taking pictures is a problem, since I have to make sure the lightings are right, and the model is doing the right pose. After taking a several pics, I had to choose which one is better. 
     When those are done, I had to do  all the adjustments on Photoshop. This is where the problems starts to escalate. I first need to upload my background picture, which is the Harry Potter. Then I uploaded a picture of Isabel, with her posing on the side and her hands sticking out. I started out with adjusting the tone of the picture so it matches the background picture, Harry Potter. After that, I had to resize the image itself, so the pictures match each other. After that, copy and paste Isabel onto the Harry Potter picture. But first, I have to crop her legs since I only need her upper body. So I used the laser tool and crop out the parts that I needed. I had to redo this over and over again because sometimes I would crop her hands out, or her face out.
     When I finish using the laser tool, I went to edit select, inverse so then I can crop out her background. When it did, I copy and pasted it onto the Harry Potter picture. I have to move it in the right place, where she looks like she is patting the owl. And lastly, I used Free transform to rescale Isabel so then she can be the same size as Harry Potter on the picture.
     Then I had to do the same for the other Isabel picture I took. I did the exact same thing as I did with the other Isabel picture. But this time instead of making it bigger, I made it smaller so she can sit on Harry Potters' arms as if she is happy sitting there. 


     I was not happy with my project because in the end, it didn't turn out as it suppose to be or how I want it to be. I feel like at the end, I rush through it a lot so everything that's towards the end, is all messy and not well produced as when I first started the project. However, overall I was happy that I was able to at least get somewhat on what I want the project to look like.