Monday, April 4, 2016

Favorite Logos

My favorite logo is from Barnes & Noble. The reason why I like this logo is because of the color choices and the design. Although it is not as fancy as the other logos, such as Snapchat, or Twitter, however, it still has its own unique features. Barnes & Noble is a store where people buy books, read them, and relax. They even have Starbuck. The place itself is really chill and relaxing, which can be indicate in the logo. The color choices of using green and brown makes it seem really peaceful and really earthly and gives the audience the idea that the store is really relaxing. Not only that I really like the products that Barnes & Noble have.

1. This is a very interesting logo because it stacks different kinds of animal onto one another. One part is a picture of a dog, and drawn onto it is a cat, then it's a rabbit. Although the pictures are drawn on top of each other, it is still easy to identify what animal it is. Not only that, the color background really helped to boost the idea of Vets.

2. This is also a very interesting logo. The word "Fawks" sounds like "Fox" which could be a pun, or just a random word. Not only that, the picture is a Fox with its upper body made from cloth and other half is made from its actual body, making it really interesting.

3. This logo has this casual and cute features. The color choices makes the whole logo look so calm and peaceful. I also like the idea that there is a scarf wrapped around the cloud, showing that people should keep warm. By using a different color for the scarf, it really stands out to the viewer.

4. This logo has this cool and nature atmosphere. By adding a badge and having it carved in the shape of the deer, it emphasis the idea it's trying to portray. Also the background is a forest which really helps to emphasis the theme of nature. Although the color choices are kind of dark, it really focuses the main idea of the forest.

5. This logo is somewhat plain but the design and the font is really catchy. Although it is hard to read what the big sign is, the design of it kind of says what it means. Those lines surrounding the font makes it seem like it's something related to nature or the idea of trying to be pretty or healthy. Plus, the color choices are plain, but it fits the idea of what this logo is trying to say.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Poster Reflection:

1.  I believe my stance is clear. The way I show my stance is by putting a cat inside a hour class. A hourglass has sand inside it, so by putting a cat in it, it shows that animal needs help and someone needs to come save them. Plus, by using a hourglass it also shows that time is running out, and that you need to save the animals fast. Not only that, I emphasis the idea that time is ticking by putting a clock as the background.

2. I think my idea from my thumbnail sketches to my actual digital poster is successful to some extent. Sadly, I was unable to create the effects that I had on my thumbnail sketches onto my digital one. And the fonts and the layout of them changed. Originally it was suppose to be on the top of the hourglass, but it ended up inside the hourglass.

3. My first version it was a cat inside the hourglass crying for help and have a clock has its background. My second version was the same thing, however, I split the page in half, where my first version is on half of the page, and the other half would be pictures of animals being sheltered, to spread the awareness of it. The only reason I added more pictures of animal shelter because it helps to emphasis the idea that animal needs the love from us and that they need us to take care of them.

4. I think the strongest aspect of my poster is the concept because I try to emphasis the idea that animals need to be save by putting it in a critical situation, and show awareness that time is an essence. The weakest aspect of my poster would be design because the colors and font that I used shows what looks good on the poster rather than what helps to show that my poster need to be seen by others and prevent the animal crisis from happening.

5. The most challenging aspect of this project conceptually was thinking how my poster will look and what I should do to make my concept clear. It's really hard to think of a perfect image that people can understand. I need to think about the pictures I'm going to use, and what kind of poster I want it to be.

6. The most challenging aspect of this project was using the tools from Adobe Illustrator. It's hard to use it and create the image that my mind has created. It's hard to remember what I have to do to do this and that. Not only that, I need to use Adobe Illustrator AND Photoshop, which makes things more complicated, since I have to keep going back and forth between these two programs, and making it really confusing.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What's Your Stance?

Donald Trump:

     Personally I don't interact with any social media as often as other people. I don't have Instagram, Snapchat, and any other social media. Even if I have Facebook and such, I don't use them often. However, I do read or watch a lot of news on television about events that are occurring in the United States.
     For example, the events that occurred relating to Donald Trump's point of view. To be honest, I disagree with every single aspect of his speech, especially the ones that regards to the Muslims. He talks a lot about the Muslims, and showing such discrimination towards them. Not only towards the Muslims but every single race out there. He wants to deport the Muslim out of the country, saying how they are a dangerous ethnicity because they bombed the Twin Tower in 2001. The fact that a lot of Americans and other people have lost their lives and suffered are unfortunate, however, that is not a good reason to kick out the Muslims. Not all Muslims have committed such sins, also, there are no proof that they did such a thing; therefore, it is just an illogical accusation.
     With that said, I did not share this with anyone since I watched these on the television news. However, my parents and my brother seems to agree with my statement. Also, they disagree with the fact that Donald Trump describes women as pigs. Such insult and discrimination was offended to us women, especially those who are feminists.
     Throughout all his speeches, he did not say anything positive things regarding race such as Muslims and gender. He is freely saying whatever he wants  and insulting others without thinking the consequences nor the result it will have on the people he's talking about. Personally, I think he said those illogical comments in order to gain votes to be the next President. Therefore, I think he does not deserve such respect from United States, nor from the Republicans.

Other topics:
1. Global Warming
2. Animal Abuse
3. College Campus Issues: (Rape/Discrimination)
